- August 07
We have been generously given some second-hand models, which Alex has volunteered to evaluate and sell on eBay. Here he is attempting to get a loco running on the wheel-cleaner, under John M's able supervision.
The situation became so dire that John M was forced to step in. But the loco resolutely refused to run.
An out of focus picture of John P's installation of embedded wires to keep our little gallery of observers standing upright.
We have acquired a Raspberry Pi, and when it's connected to the Ethernet hub, it can run a browser. So here's TMRC's web page.
The Pi with its connections--clockwise from lower left are keyboard and mouse, Ethernet, HDMI and power.
It comes with a compiler! Now there is no stopping us.
- August 10
Luis and Bill are cutting plywood for the middle level above Berkmannville.
Dillon took a turn with the power saw.
Drilling a hole where the cut has to turn a corner.
Dillon's real job for the evening was working on a smoke generator to make the chimney at Saurian Skin Care pollute the clubroom.
Dillon needed more power than our system could easily supply, so he went next door and came back with something more mighty. See smoke being ejected! Yes, that is 3.7A at 30V, a fair amount of heat.
Eventually the smoke became quite dense.
Smoke pours from the chimney--Dillon is one happy guy.
- August 21
A first mockup of the truss bridge on the upper level.
Another view.
Showing the bridge and the channel it crosses. Removal of the clamps will cause sudden descent.
Can someone explain why the Scab display no longer has the miniature diagram at the top, with the vertical lines that make scrolling easier?