- February 01
The Operating Session that we planned didn't turn out as expected. A fair number of people took it as an invitation to come as spectators.
However, one welcome guest was our new faculty advisor, Jerry Sussman. We initiated him into the mystery of operating a train.
After the crowd left, Dillon did some work on a project of his, a new mounting method (actually, any mounting method would be new) for switching district cards.
Alex did some fixup work on Coca-Bubblie (cue reminiscences on when that building was constructed, By Eric Bott and Mike Newman, around 1970, with later work by Ed Drozd).
Then because we had planned to switch freight, John P, Alex and Dillon did so.
Dillon's trying to sort out West Berkmannville.
- February 26
This picture is from Feb 8 and memory has slipped regarding what was happening, but it looks like fun.
Here is Dillon's new arrangement for the local track diagram mounting, as shown in the last report. This is East Berkmannville.
John P brought in a fine load of CokeR. 4 cases for $11.00 at Stop & Shop, with no quantity limit, this week!
Prajwal has figured out how to operate a train from an Android tablet computer.
It shows the display from the dispatcher's computer.
John P has fixed up the first of the supports for new shelves. Unfortunately the wall is partly backed with plywood and partly not, and so some hollow-wall anchors are needed.