- April 3
We saw some nice-looking industrial buildings at the South Shore Model RR Club a couple of weeks ago, which turned out to be the "Radical Flats" series made by Kingmill Enterprises. We ordered a few, and we've started assembling them.
Michael's paint job on the GE Dash-8 is showing some results. And it's a fine smooth-running engine. He still has detail parts to add.
Pictured on the crossing at Middle Heights.
Alex has his signal in place, but awaiting cosmetic detailing and final mounting. Figuring out the computer incantation for correct functioning proved to be a problem!
- April 7
- April 28
Progress resumes after a successful Open House.
Alex has an idea for a project that requires a stepper motor. John P helped him set up a drive for a motor from an old disk drive (allowing older members to reminiscence about floppy drives).
John M is preparing an industrial lawn.
We're going to have an Operating Session on Saturday! Malcolm Laughlin came in to supervise the placement of cars and cards so we can start quickly.
Cars and destinations must match.