This page describes work accomplished on the new TMRC layout during
the month of August 2013, as taken from the descriptions posted to
the club mailing list.
Somebody asked how we do occupancy detection. It's easy--a 38K resistor on one wheelset of each car, attached with conductive epoxy. If you look carefully, you can see that the wheels on the far side of the car are insulated from the axle by a black plastic sleeve (the other wheel is pressed onto the axle and is in contact with it) so our resistor is installed so as to bridge the insulating sleeve. Thus there is conduction from wheel to wheel via the axle and the resistor.
Progress continues (slowly) on the upper level.
This will be track inside a building, with a concrete floor, so no need to use many ties.
Something new from the West Coast Shops--an instruction manual for how to move the Green Building (our HO scale model). There's also a proposal to make a lightweight "traveling" version of the building, of course with Tetris to be installed.
The Freshman Activities Midway was on Friday afternoon. This was the view from our table. Getting anyone's attention can be a little challenging.
But Rebecca was out there making the effort.
Prajwal was there too. Note that the new miniature grade crossing signal made the trip, though we realized a little late that it's not finished. We didn't take the Green Building (sorry David).
John P was the third member of the team for the day (but not wearing his uniform).
We have trains, computers, teeshirts, the club history, and of course, soda. Prajwal set up a link to the clubroom, but wi-fi bandwidth was a problem.
The portable layout worked to some extent. As usual, we swore to replace it by next year.
Both turnouts near the end of track on the upper level are now complete.