- March 6
David L made a mockup of the proposed helix between the 2nd and 3rd levels. It dominates the scene at Middle Heights.
James and Hugh dropped in. We hadn't seen them for quite a while. At this moment they seemed to be looking heavenward for inspiration.
David has also been putting together conductive wheelsets. He has quite a production line going.
- March 17
A grade crossing and ground clutter in Middle Heights. |
John Shriver has finished the trolley wire, at least to the point where cars run. This picture was meant to illustrate it, but it came out better showing David Lambeth's excellent U. S. Post Office, and Alex Bardow's trolley barn. The wire is good too! |
- March 22 [pictures]
Plenty of pictures this week!
Adam's parents made another visit, and the three of them did more work on the new farm, installed numerous human figures, finished the scenery at the back of the engine yard area, and installed the long-awaited White Tower restaurant.
John P came in with the box for the first of the new cabs, with a plan to cut holes to mount the keypad and LCD display. Quentin volunteered to make the rectangular hole for the LCD, which needed to be accurate in both size and placement. Looks like he got it exactly right.
Hugh complained that it was cold.He wore his scarf indoors and warmed his hands on the workbench light.
David L cut the wood and plastic for new car cassettes, suffering a serious electric shock when he rubbed the plastic parts together excessively.
- March 26
Andy painted a nice parking lot for Berkmannville.
David L has been working on more storage cassettes for rolling stock. Unfortunately the material now available isn't as easy to use as the stuff we got a few years ago, and we're having trouble assembling the cassettes.
Hot melt glue was tried, but doesn't seem likely to work.
Note the plastic jig used to set the correct spacing for the side strips.
John P brought the new cab back to the clubroom. It's now able to communicate with a computer in both directions. The numeral 3 indicates that it's connected to socket 3 on the driver (out of 4 available) and 56 is the present throttle setting.
A highly secret project was attempted around midnight, in the best club tradition. No picture.