James brought in a fancy tripod and took literally hundreds
of pictures in order to come up with an incredible panorama
of the whole room! You can see the panorama from this site:
TMRC Room Panorama (5 MB). But you need
to have the latest Quicktime software to view it.
Meanwhile Alvar spent the whole day working on the first front face
of the Green Building... and finsihed it! So, one more face to go,
then painting the sides, and then interior work and roof details.
Pictures will soon be available here.
Ed painted many items today: the AC units for the Coca Bubblie building,
a NdeM (Nacional de Mexico) locomotive, so that maybe by the next
Open House there is a 'generalisimo' train, and several details for
other buildings and people. Bill continued work on the Vegetable Oil
facility and added track to the BK helix entrance. Malcolm added more
latice stock to the helix. John C. Green Jr. visited the club, since
he's around for business this comming week.
Bit accomplishemnts at the club today! First, Alvar finished the framework
for the mirrors, and with Jeff's help, they installed and position the
mirrors. Now operators in the tower can see their trains go through
P-yard (as well as the roofs - or lack thereoff - of some buildings). The
aerial view of Gifford City is really quite impressive.
Meanwhile John P. continued to assemble the switchards for Staging Yard,
in preparation for deployment of the System 3 development area... as a
reminder, S-Yard will be the testing yard for System 3. The blocks within
the yard will all be controlled by System 3, independently of System 2.
Block 27 of System 2 (which is already S-Yard) will be wired to the
'DCC' section of System 3, so that the S-Yard can have trains go in and
In similar electronic notes, Jeff, JP and Alvar worked on the installation
of the TMRC Main Clock in the tower. The main clock now sits to the
right of the distpacher, in a console on the counter space. Being this
the Daylight Savings Time start, they worked hard to be ready before
the work took an hour longer than necessary... the time was set correctly
at 3:00am.
On the scenic and train end, Ed advanced on the detailing of the NdeM
locomotive, which is close to being done. Bill worked on the Berkmanville
trackwork, where some discussion is going on about how brown the ballast
should be. Alvar finished the second face of the Green Building! The
next step is to make a good system to attach the faces to the main body,
and then finsish the painting... after that its interior work. John
McNamara helped clean the room, definetely a masochistic task :-)