This page describes work accomplished on the new TMRC layout during
the month of November 2012, as taken from the descriptions posted to
the club mailing list.
Genya visited, and accomplished some useful software. He detected bit rot.
Andy worked on the elevated station at Killianport.
John P turned a large valuable piece of plywood into smaller less valuable pieces.
Hack & mung we must for a better switch 196.
Andy's station, rear view.
Front view.
We have acquired a useful piece of technology, a dual axis inclinometer. It's a digital level that can
measure angle along the track and across it simultaneously. Anyone who says "new toy" is showing no appreciation for
precision instruments.
An unfortunate leftover from the Open House. While we were all busy, someone donated some stuff.
Genya visited again, and worked on more software. John P finished Block Card 21 (except for a heatsink)
and ran a train on the bench using it, thanks to Genya's work (which included fixing John P's damage to the
layout description file).
Melanie Gonick from the MIT News Office came to do video and interviews for an upcoming feature on TMRC.
Quentin was her chief victim.
Our visitor made many pictures, but we got a few.
John P cleaned up the wiring around the newly relocated electrical cabinet (see Oct 13). This required
purchase of a new drill bit for making holes in the top of the cabinets; using it turned out to be an
extremely noisy process.