- August 1
Bill Onorato and John Shriver sketched 'version 1.0' of the trolley
route from the East side of Gifford City (old city loop) to the
Gifford City Station (old Tuckerton Station) and the west side
turning loop (new). The track is to become double track in front
of the Gifford City station, and then single track once it goes down
to the car barn.
Alvar completely finished the work with track feeders under the layout,
and did a map that shows the locations and connections of all the
terminal strips that have been installed for phase 1. Jeff finished
all the work on creating new block gaps and closing old block gaps so
that the rail agrees with the new plans. Then he continued the work on
the 14ga track feeders from the terminal strips to the power distribution
Alvar also worked on the case for the Building 20 time capsule.
Pictures of the car and the whole setup will be available soon in
the TMRC Building 20 page.
- August 8
Jeff Birkner (after also spending Friday at TMRC) finished
re-wiring the 'Big Loop' to System 2. This means that
System 2 is, once again, operating the layout!
Bill Onorato continued his work on the building at the East
end of Gifford City. Andy Miller finished painting the new
'B' unit for the Aaron Burr, which now has new traction power!
Jeff and Alvar then continued the work on the tower wall. The
tower now has about 2/3 of its walls complete.
- August 11
System2 (previously referred to as "The System") ran three trains
simultaneously on cabs 1, 2, and 3 this evening. This is the first time
that this has been done since the Building 20 layout was decomisioned in
April 1997.
All present participated in some minor debugging of rolling stock and
track work. There was also some discussion of a letter from our PC board
manufacturer requesting additional information.
- August 25
In preparation for Activities Midway, Jeff worked on the crossing flasher
display and John P worked on the switching layout. John M continued his
work on roundhouse restoration.