This page shows general pictures of the room. They are grouped together
by area of interest.
The entrance to the club room features three interesting things: first,
the large tmrc sign, painted by Alvar during the summer of 1997; then the
refurbished classic lantern, which Jeff and Alvar put up as soon as we
got there; and finally, the hardest one to note: "Window Siding" has
been put in exhibition above the door.
A section of Window Siding, the old very long strip of track that traversed
the windows in 20E214 and 20E216, is now in exhibition above the door of
the new room.
Our wonderful coke machine, giver of lots of funds so that we can build
a great layout! If you come by, don't forget to visit one of the very
few 50c machines on campus!
This is an actual RailRoad crossing, it was acquired by Jeff after a wreck
around the area where he lives. It is fully functional, with a bell
provided by John Purbrick. It is annually transported to the Activities
Peter K Lee, TMRC Governor for three years, right before the move,
visited us on April 4, 1998. It was great to have him around, since
he left right before the new layout was de-commissioned.
Room Views
A general view from the back to the front of the room.
Room Views
A view of the room from the west front to the east front.
Room Views
A view of the east side of the room, with Gifford City, P-Yard, and System2.
Room Views
A view of the construction of Gifford City.
Room Views
A view of the Gifford City area from the tower.
Room Views
An almost complete view of all of Phase 1, which is mainly composed of the
Gifford City area and the loop around the tower.
Room Views
Another look at the Gifford City area.
Work Table
This is the main work-table of the room, ah! Actually, it is the most
used because of the bandsaw and because all the toolboxes are kept there.