June 3Our humble web pages has been selected as the Webmasters’s Choice for June 2007 by the National Model Railroad Association. Welcome to everyone who has found us through that site, and enjoy your visit. June 9Quentin and Tom tried to debug the Green Building Tetris game. The game responds very slowly to button presses when using the controls in the hall, but plays fine using the controller that connects directly to the game electronics under the building. There seems to be a communications problem in the serial network that the game and lights controller connect to. June 13 The upper-level tunnel mouth and retaining wall in Middle Heights are installed, and Andy Miller’s road across the lower-level tracks has been extended. A former club member has donated several boxes filled with antique models. These have been stored for almost 30 years, and appear to range widely in quality, but some should fetch a decent price on the secondhand market, and we may keep some for the second layout level, to be built some day, or so runs the legend. One Marklin locomotive was taken away by John McNamara in order to test it on a layout owned by a friend. John Shriver finished hanging the running wire for MITCo. The picture shows one of the club’s trolleys on the first full loop with the pole up. There is much adjusting to do, and wire needs to be hung over some non-functional tracks that run off the edge of the layout. John McNamara posted a System 3 Debugging Guide to the web page. June 27 Andy Miller has installed some attractive grade crossings in Middle Heights. But Andy, are the flangeways wide enough? He also had the railroad’s name engraved in a plastic plate, which he’s now built into an Art Deco bridge. A decorative motif of eagles with upraised wings was proposed, but the eagles couldn’t be found.