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Want to become a member? First, tell us who you are:

Membership at TMRC is governed by our Constitution and Bylaws. A nice English version of these 'legal' documents is below (read these ones, they're easier to understand!).

Be sure to visit the clubroom and meet the members, so that they can answer any more questions you may have about membership and what we do.

MIT Students


Membership is open to all MIT students. Just
come by the club room and ask about membership.

What does membership get you?
If you become a member of TMRC you can take on any project you want on the layout, which can be anything from construction to scenery or electronics. Only MIT students can be Governors and Treasurer, which means that you can be one to guide the club through the construction of our new layout. As a member of TMRC you will become part of over 60 years of history at MIT.

There is no membership fee for student members. In addition, you will get a free T-Shirt ($10 value!).

Once you join the club and contribute 10 hours of work you can get the code to the door. This allows you to use the clubroom whenever you want.

MIT Professors or Staff

As a member of the MIT community you can become a member of the club by just wanting to be part of it. There are no special rules or anything like that, all you need to do is want to join the fun!

What does membership get you?
As a member of TMRC you get to become part of the team that is building a brand new layout. Start a new project, or finish one already began. You can work on anything you want, including scenery, construction, track work, electronics, programming... plus, you can also become an officer of the club (except Governor or Treasurer), and be even more involved in the club!

The membership fee for staff and professors is $15.00 per term.

Because you are part of the MIT community, you can get the door code, so that you can visit the room whenever you want. Just contribute 10 hours of service, either with operation or construction. After 10 hours of work you can get the code for the door.

MIT Alum

If you are an alum of MIT then you are eligible to become an "Associate Member" if you were a member of TMRC at any time during your studies at MIT, or a "Guest Member" if not. If you were a student member once, then you can automatically become an associate member after a simple vote in a regular meeting (no nomination necessary). If you were never a member, then you need a current member to sponsor you.

What does membership get you?
As either, you are entitled to almost all privileges of any other member, except for being President or Treasurer (reserved for students), or to have a key to the clubroom, since you are not part of the MIT community any more (and MIT rules don't allow it). But you can still join any committee, work on any project, and have lots of fun!

The membership fee for alumni is $20.00 per term.

Junior Guest members

At this time we are unable to offer new junior guest memberships. Should this change in the future, it will be reflected here. The information below describes the policies and procedures which were in place in the past and which would likely be used should be accept junior guest members again.

Anybody in Middle or High school (grades 6-12) is eligible for membership at the clubroom. We are happy to welcome any of the smart kids that attend special programs at MIT!
Junior Guest members need to be approved for membership at one of the regular club meetings. This happens after the junior person asks a governor to nominate him for membership. If the current club members agree, the person can become a junior guest member.

What does membership get you?
As a junior guest member you can take on many projects in the club, that include scenery, construction, and many other things. One of the members will always be around to help you, and make sure that you are safe. As a member that means you have access to all of the club's equipment, which can operate any time a regular member is there to help you out.

The membership fee for a junior guest member is $5.00 per term.

Guest Membership

At this time we are unable to offer new guest memberships. Should this change in the future, it will be reflected here. The information listed below describes the policies and procedures which were in place in the past and which would likely be used should be accept guest members again.

At TMRC we have "Guest Memberships" in order to let people from around the MIT area, who are not directly related to MIT, become official club members and be able to help out in the many club projects. To become a guest member you should show up to the clubroom in a regular basis and get involved in some of the projects going on at the club. At one of the regular club meetings you can be nominated for membership by a club governor, and by a simple majority vote, become part of the club. Then, each year your membership gets renewed if you continue to be a good member.

What does membership get you?
A guest member can take on any project being carried out in the clubroom. You can propose new project, finish old ones, or just help out others. As a guest member you can be an officer of the club (except Governor or Treasurer), and guide the club through the process of building our new layout.

The fee for guest members is $20.00 per term.

Tech Model Railroad Club of MIT
MIT Room N52-118
265 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139

+1 617 253-3269
Email: tmrc-web@mit.edu