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Called to order 9:12TMRCST Attendance: 3 regular, 2 associate 1) DML (CJT) Move to accept reading of previous minutes MPWB 2) Amendments - None 3) Governor Reports We've had an unusually active fall: - The Activities Midway went well, the demo layout (repaired over the summer by JP) worked great, many students showed interest and signed up for emails. - Our September op session was a success, though the older throttles didn't work entirely well. We've since converted to nice new throttles. - The MIT Museum's "50th Anniversary of the Smoot" celebration drew many alumni to our club room, including Oliver Smoot himself! - Tonight's tour of the Ringling Brothers circus train was a big hit, with twenty people showing up. Part of the success can be attributed to compiling an unofficial email list of all current students on tmrc-announce, including Midway signees, for announcing smaller club events. 4) EAMOTFSMITC DML will be graduating in February, so we need to train a new treasurer. The new treasurer must be a student. We'll have to see who is interested in taking over the position as the semester progresses. TBO (CJT) move that there are no other motions. 5) Officer Reports - Public Relations - Soon it will be time to publicize our fall open house (November 22). - We get one free page of ads in the Tech per year. - We also get free DomeView ads, easy but of dubious value in attracting students. - Smoot Day was an enjoyable event for the club, the museum asked for permission well in advance. - It's worth considering participating in other student-life-oriented events in the future. - Better than Cambridge Science Festival (incorrectly listed us as a museum event, required us to accept sponsorship, etc.). - Publicity project: a highly visible window sign so people realize we're here. - Perhaps an illuminated shadow box with the club's name and a picture of a train. - Operations - September 13th op session was successful. - October 4th op session never started because of overwhelming number of Smoot Day visitors. - Operations scheme designed for quick pick-up sessions, can hold another soon. - Storage Space - Tool bins recently organized somewhat. Tools are in more or less the same place, but sorted by type. Black tool chest now has labeled drawers. - Rolling Stock and Track Standards - We now have thirty operational locomotives. - Our passenger cars have been inspected and many are operational again. The rest are waiting on more 36" wheels. - We now have plenty of car trays to keep our off-layout cars. - Maintenance of Way - The way has been maintained. - Finishing East Berkmannville is an upcoming project. Several siding switches need to be built, and the nearby crossover needs to be motorized. - Benchwork - Upper level designs are getting more sure, so it could be time to rebuild the helix. - For now, we can work on the backdrops and track under the tower. - SceneComm - Available projects include finishing the engine yard and lining the back of the freight yard with building flats. - S&P - JP has ordered parts for more of the new cabs. They make an easy and fun assembly project. - We're investigating controlling building lighting with modified switch cards. - GYZ has been working on the turntable code. Server and microcontroller code are already in place, working on display program interface. - Administration of Membership - TMRC welcomes our new member Christian Ternus! 6) Old Business - See comments about Midway, storage above. 7) New Business - Next op session tenatively scheduled for 10-25, and there may be another the week before the Open House as a fun track test. 8) Miscellaneous - None TBO motion to adjourn (DML) Adjourned at 9:50TMRCST
Tech Model Railroad Club of
![]() MIT Room N52-118 265 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02139
+1 617 253-3269 Email: tmrc-web@mit.edu |