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Meeting Minutes

Sat May 11th, 2002

Attendance: 8 R&A, 2 G
Quorum: 5 R&A --- meet quorum

Called to order 20:56 TMRCST

1) Reading of the minutes of the previous meeting
2) Constitutional Amendments
3) Governor Reports


  a)"Resolve, that the Club accept the Government proposed
     by Governors Alvar and Stefano"

     MoW - Tom
	 Car & Loco - Ed
	 S&P - Jeff
     SceneComm - Bill
     New Construction - Alvar

  b)"Resolve, that the Club elect a Summer Board with a
     budget of 100% percent of the income earned during the
     previous administration"


     Summer Board - James, Bill, Malcolm, Andy, Roger, John,

5)Officer Reports

  MoW - The way is being maintained.
6)Old Business


7)New Business

a) Layout Plan
  - The general feeling of the club is to smile upon the outline.
  - The summer board can approve and start construction after approving
  - Need a few changes:
   - do not change column
   - increase F-Yard walking area
   - increase entrace to meeting area

b) Move a SMILE on the Sys3 Team for a great Open House! (ASM, WEO)
  - (JP) Ethical issue: while the trains were operating autonomously
    during the OH, there were no operators!

c) Where is the bandsaw going? (ML, RMN)
  - West end of work area

d) SMILE on Alvar for organizing OH (WEO, JK)

e) Set the date for the next OH

  Move that the Winter OH be on Nov 23rd (ASM, JP)


  Stefano will notify the magazines.

f) How to get the new members to come

  Personal e-mail inviting them to join SummerComm

g) Adjurn (WEO, JP)

Tech Model Railroad Club of MIT
MIT Room N52-118
265 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139

+1 617 253-3269
Email: tmrc-web@mit.edu