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Attendance: 6 R&A, 4 G Quorum: 4 R&A --- meet quorum Called to order 20:00 TMRCST 1) Reading of the minutes of the minutes of the previous meeting. JEM(WEO) - Motion to dispense the reading of the previous meeting: MPU 2) Constitutional Ammendements: there are no ammedments 3) Governor Reports a) Repeat of the MIT Museum Building Construction -- will start March 20th -- will end May 28th Construction -> NEED TO BE SAFETY AWARE What TMRC has communicated: - Coke Machine has been moved - MIT will look into color of corridor windows accross from TMRC window - We cannot get a compressed air line - They will preserve the TMRC sign, lantern, and WindowSiding 4) EAMOTFOSMITC - April 1st: Automatic call for a Change of Government - ASM(JEM)- Move to sustain the current government - MPU (7,0,3) 5) Officer Reports a) MoW - way still there b) Car & Loco - cars getting metal wheels to roll better! c) ToolsComm - put the tools back in their place!!! 6) Old Business - none 7) New Business a) Open House - CLEAN UP!!! --- We will ask for FLOOR WAXING again, therefore the floor needs to be CLEAR by Wendesday April 25th 11:00pm - All trains must be tested, and results documented, on either Sat April 21st or Wed April 25th. No untested trains will be allowed to run during the Open House! - Need to document (on April 21st) all non-functional routes in/out of P-Yard (Sys2 troubles) - S&P will work to make S-Yard at least partially operational b) Publicity - JK: We should make a sign to point towards the window. - ASM: We should build a Bulletin Board outside our door to display some equipment, t-shirts, and point towards the window! ASM is project lead. Railfaning - WEO: want to setup one trip around Boston area during early May want a larger trip in the summer - ASM: will have the Fall tour, sugest new location: MBTA subway dispatch center in Boston. Sugest that we now rotate the locations every three years (South Station, North Station, MBTA). - Malcolm will look into getting large Railfaning trips via MR Membership - After some discussion it was decided unanimously that the feeling of the club is: "Any person who wants to take the time and effort to pay their dues, and who qualifies to be a member as per the Constitution and Bylaws, may be a member with full priviledges" 9) Move to Adjurn WEO(JEM) - MP 20:53 TMRCST
Tech Model Railroad Club of
![]() MIT Room N52-118 265 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02139
+1 617 253-3269 Email: tmrc-web@mit.edu |