September 2 On September 2nd, TMRC joined other campus activities at the annual Activities Midway. We brought our full-size crossing flasher (complete with bell) and a scale model of the Green Building on which students could play Tetris. Five members staffed the tables and fifteen students expressed interest in electronics, software, modeling, operation, or some combination of these. September 10 During the first week of September, David Lambeth visited from Mountain View. He continued his tradition of high speed building construction by adding a new industrial building in Berkmanville, customized to the oddly-shaped site and equipped with a detailed ventilation system. September 24 Adam Madlinger, John McNamara, Tom O’Reilly, and Genya Zaytman have been busy designing and implementing valleys, mountains, and tunnels in the vicinity of David Lambeth’s stone viaduct. The use of cardboard strips and plaster cloth, the subject of some modelling articles, is now being tried at TMRC with good results. The area adjacent to the viaduct includes a helix that has posed a number of scenic problems, but John Purbrick has relocated one of the tracks slightly and has come up with a tunnel proposal that seems to solve the scenic problems.