Monthly Update April 1998

30 April 1998

April 4Work continued on Gifford city. The last of the platform extensions were build by Andy Miller, and the street layout is now under way. Meanwhile Jeff Birkner, Dick Lord, and James Knight worked hard to get power to the layout in the center of the room. April 7Additional wiring was added under the tower. A cardboard mockup was made for the street layout in the Gifford City station area. Work began on the sidings for the produce center and the newspaper plant, two industries which will be just outside the boundaries of P-yard. Two pictures were added to the page: “LayoutL” and “LayoutR”. Both are shots from the tower taken on March 24, 1998. “LayoutL” shows the turntable and belongs to the left of the one that shows the Gifford City buildings (“LayoutR”). There are two loops around the tower. A train leaving Gifford City curves around the buildings in LayoutR and proceeds left into LayoutL passing the entrance to the turntable. The train then passes around the upper loop and returns to Gifford City (LayoutR) on tracks parallel to those it just used. If the train then passed through Gifford City, it would pass down the left side of LayoutL and drop down to the lower loop around the tower, passing under the roundhouse. It would then return to Gifford City (LayoutR) on tracks parallel to those it just used.