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Meeting Minutes

Sat Sep 6th, 2003

Attendance: 9 R&A, 2G

1) (JEB, ED) Move to dismiss the reading of the previous meetings.
  (JK) Ammended to summarize the minutes

2) No consitutional ammendements

3) Governor Reports
  Other Governor graduated!  We are going to ignore that fact
  until the November elections.

  Treasure set the "pre-appvoed expense amount": $24.00 USD

5) Officer Reports

  Summer: we finished the basic first level, and got 17
   trains running at one point.

  Car & Loco: TBO complains that we "only" have 17 working
   locomotives.  ED says "we'll work on it"

  MoW: the way has been extended and finished temporarily on
   the first level.  In the process of building mainline

  Treasurer: (interpreted by governor) we used more money than
   we made in the last few months!  Stick to budgets!

6) Old Business

7) New Business

a) Budget Preparations
 - S&P:          $100
 - Scenery:      $100
 - MoW:          $150
 - Tools:        $ 50
 - Car & Loco:   $150
 - Publicity:    $ 75

 ED(WEO) Move to approve budget - MPU

 Treasurer should try to apply for UA appeals to support the
 telephone & network.

b) "How to Sessions"
  9/10, 9/13 - Building Construction - Andy
  9/17, 9/20 - Electronics Wiring - James
  9/24, 9/27 - Painting Cars - Ed
  10/1, 10/4 - Scenery - JP

  The Wed sessions are at 7:30pm
  The Sat sessions are at 5:00pm (except 20th)

c) Open House Goals (Nov 22nd)
  - Regular Mainline
  - All mainline switches in the helix working
  - Finish block allocations & wiring for mailine
  - Car & Loco goal:
    - Have 4 good freight trains
    - Passenger trains:
      - Aaron Burr
      - 2 Amtraks
      - Benedict Arnold

  - Advertisement
    - Magazine ads already sent out for FA03, need SP04
    - MIT webpage (Alvar)
    - Flyers (?)
    - MIT Cable (Tom)
    - Tech (Tom)
    - Lobby 7 (Alvar)

  - SP04 Open House: May 1st, 2004 (JP)

8) Adjurn JK(JEB) - MPU

Tech Model Railroad Club of MIT
MIT Room N52-118
265 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139

+1 617 253-3269
Email: tmrc-web@mit.edu