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Meeting Minutes

Wed Jul 9th, 2003

Summer Board Meeting

Called to order 20:04 TMRCDST

Reminder of a basic principle:
             d       TMRC is a *student*activity*.

Therefore, the following edicts were passed at the meeting:
- Starting this fall, no major projects will be carried out unless they
have students participating actively in the project. (Major project
examples are below.)

- There are to be no "reservations" on any projects, either you are
actively working on a project, or any other member or new student can
take over the project.  This is effective immediately.

These reminders came to be given that both governors will graduate
within a year (Stefano in a few weeks, and Alvar in about six months!).
This creates a situation where the club is dangerously close to loosing
ASA recognition, unless we do something.

These minutes have three parts below:
   - Summer Projects
   - Publicity & Events
   - Fall Projects

{In the following lists, (person) means that person will chair that
project, and get help from others as necessary to complete it.}

Summer projects:
- Finish the main line, so we can have operating sessions. (TBO)
   - If you are working in the clubroom, it should help to this purpose!
- Fix plugin boxes. (JP)
- For Activities midway:
  - Overall organization (TSW)
      - Add handle to crossing signal.
  - Improve portable layout with control system (TBO)
  - Get more pictures. (JP and JM)
  - Design and make posters for 42" roll printer (ASO)

- Publicity emails:
  - Follow up after midway.
      - Reminder emails every tuesday and friday for first few weeks.
  - Progress weekly
  - Todo list monthly.

Advertising: (LOTS OF HELP NEEDED!!!, ASO will do what he can only)
  - Ads in the tech. 1 page/year (TBO)
  - Hallway posters every week
  - Display boards for 2 weeks a term (ASO)
  - MIT webpage for openhouse (ASO)
  - Infinite corridor projector
  - MIT Events calendar (ASO)
  - MIT cable channel ads
  - Press releases for Tech talk (ASO)
  - Update website (JK)

Fall projects: 

*** There is one single vital project this Fall: Get new members ***
***    every other project must help with this one ***

That said, Alvar will take charge of creating our "project matrix" for
this fall.  The project matrix will include:
- Project Name
- Description
- Picture (of current status, or area that will be affected)
- Coordinator *e-mail* contact
The matrix will be at the Midway, in our website, and in the clubroom.

The homework for all of us members is to create a 'syllabus' for the
projects, so that when new students come in, we can get them truly
involved, rather than having them "see what we do".  Basically, each
of us has six weeks to figure out how we are going to get new students
interested in our own projects, and how we'll teach them about it, so
that they stay interested and come back all the time!

Fall Term major projects:
- Tetris on the green building (ASO)
- F-yard (TBO & MAL)
- E-yard (.)
- Wireless cab (JYK & JP)
- Upgrade SCab (.)
- More signals/signal bridges (JP)
- Planning the upper levels (MAL)
- Significant scenery:
	- General GC (ASM)
	- Peninsula (WEO)
	- BK Planning (WEO)
	- Post office (.)
	- GC Skyline (.)
	- GC town hall (.)
	- Chemical plant (.)
	- Bridges (.)
- Rolling stock (ED)
- Trolly (JS)
- Control center displays (ASO & TBO)
- MITCo (Ken)

At the meeting we determined that the events with (.) can be left for
later, so nobody was assigned to them.

Also, we want to schedule events in the fall, other than just "work
sessions", therefore the following plan was made:

Scheduled events in the fall:
  - HOWTOs (JYK)
  - Op sessions (ML)
  - Slideshow about history of club. (JP & JM)
  - Railfan trips to control centers (Amtrak, MBTA, etc.) (ASM)
  - Club sponsored trips to other clubs in area, North shore,
    South Shore, etc

Don't forget, if you have a fall project, send me your description
about it.


PS Thanks to James for taking all the notes about the meeting!!!

There was also a followup to the meeting minutes.

Tech Model Railroad Club of MIT
MIT Room N52-118
265 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139

+1 617 253-3269
Email: tmrc-web@mit.edu