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Meeting Minutes

Sat Mar 8th, 2003

Attendance: 7 R&A, 2 G
Quorum: 5 R&A --- meet quorum

Called to order 20:26 TMRCST

1) Reading of the minutes of the previous meeting
   Move to accept the meetings as read WEO(JEM) - MP

2) Constitutional Amendments
   - none -

3) Governor Reports
   - We sold the Marklin Collection, and we have the first half
     of the payment.  Second half comes in after they receive and
     review the collection.


   - None

5) Officer Reports

   Treasurer - Pay your dues!
               Please buy coke that is in discount - LOTS!

   S&P - Prototype radio cabs are in operation.  The radio works,
         we are now proceeding with design of the packaging and
         display issues.   Batteries components have been ordered.

   MoW - The way has been maintained.

   Tools - Hammer drill still under repair ... again.

 Old Business 

6) Layout Planning

   Move to accept Bill & Malcolm's Plan as presented JP(ASM)
    - MP

7) Storage
    - Subject has been covered over last weeks.

 New Business 

8) Budgets

   S&P           $400
   SceneComm     $150
   RadioCabs	 $600
   Construction  $100
   Tools         $ 50
   MoW           $100

   Move the budget as proposed WEO(JK) - MPU

9) Motion by Malcolm, actual motion in the filing cabinets.  MAL(JP)
    Friendly ammendment by Howard - accepted
    MSD (Move, Seconded and Defeated, for those that have never
         seen this.)

N) Adjurn JK(TJSW)

Tech Model Railroad Club of MIT
MIT Room N52-118
265 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139

+1 617 253-3269
Email: tmrc-web@mit.edu