Attendance: 8 R&A, 1 G Quorum: 5 R&A --- meet quorum Called to order 20:05 TMRCST 1) Reading of the minutes of the previous meeting Dispense reading of previous minutes ED(WEO) MP 2) Constitutional Amendments None 3) Governor Reports Governor Stefano has cheap relays for Sys3 4) EAMOTFOSMITC Smile to James on his graduation ED(ASM) --> Tom elected Treasurer - MPU 5)Treasurer sets pre-approved expense amount. Set at $15.00 6)Officer Reports MoW The way has been maintained in the usual way 7)Old Business Layout Plan - Track planning committee will bring a proposal, which has been presented to all members beforehand, at the October meeting ML(ED) 8)New Business Adjourn
Tech Model Railroad Club of
MIT Room N52-118 265 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02139
+1 617 253-3269 Email: |