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As part of MIT, the Tech Model Railroad Club is a non-profit organization and can accept tax-deductible donations of money or materials.

Monetary Donations

If you come visit our club, we can accept donations by cash or check. Or, you can send us a check by mail. Currently we are not able to accept donations by credit card. If you visit our online store, you can order a t-shirt or other TMRC memorabilia to show off your support of our club. Your donations help us build, operate, and improve our layout and continue our sixty-year tradition of providing a fun activity for MIT students!

Material Donations

From time to time, we receive inquiries about donations of materials from a supporter's model railroad. We are always willing to accept donations of any kind, though if the layout is outside the Boston area it may be difficult to arrange shipping. From past experience, here's a list from the most to least donate-able parts of a model railroad:

  1. Tools
    • You can never have too many tools. Especially useful are tiny tools specialized for model building or big honking tools for constructing benchwork.
  2. Rolling Stock
    • Locomotives and train cars are nice donations because they're relatively small and they survive a move well (if you pack them carefully). All the locomotives and cars on the Tech Nickel Plate have to meet strict standards for compatability and smooth operation, so the chances are not good that we'll be able to use donated rolling stock on our layout. However, we can raise funds by selling donated rolling stock. Those funds then help us build our layout. With that in mind, it's helpful to look for the original boxes for things like locomotives and train sets.
  3. Buildings
  4. Scenery and Track
  5. Benchwork

How to Contact Us About Donations

Please see our contact page.

Tech Model Railroad Club of MIT
MIT Room N52-118
265 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139

+1 617 253-3269
Email: tmrc-web@mit.edu