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Meeting Minutes

Sat May 12th, 2001

Attendance: 6 R&A, 2 G
Quorum: 4 R&A --- meet quorum

Called to order 21:33 TMRCST

1) Reading of the minutes of the minutes of the previous meeting.
   ED(JEM) Dipense reading of the previous minutes - MP

2) Constitutional Ammendements: there are no ammedments

3) Governor Reports

  a) Repeat of the MIT Museum Building Construction
  -- will start March 2 a) MoW - way still there
 b) Car & Loco - cars getting metal wheels to roll better!
 c) ToolsComm - put the tools back in their place!!!

  -- will end May 28th
  b) We had an Open House, and it was very cool

  - SummerComm Elections
    Both governors automagically on it
    Board - WEO, ED, JP + Governors
  - SummerComm Budget
    WEO(JEM) - Move $300 for summer comm budget
    JEM - ammendement, friendly - plus 100% of coke machine net profit
    over the summer

5) Officer Reports
  MOW - the way still there!
  SceneComm - the way is growing!

6) Old Business - none

7) New Business

 a) Open House Review
 ED - it was way cool!
 JEM - somehow we advertised it, people came!
 WEO - someone did something right, whatever it was...

 b) Next Open House
 JAS(ED) After some discussion: Saturday November 10th - MP
 c) Direction of the Club
 ASO - would like direction to be building F-Yard, and going
       to BK... finishing first level first
 WEO - Could in fact have TT, then S-Yard, then GC, and have
       some operation, weird, but can be
 JAS - Need to build some helix at least to ensure that we are
       doing the right thing
       WEO - its wordth knowing if we know our current helix
       design will work before we move into the next one!
 If at the next time a major building project is ready to move,
       then we can make the decission if Sys2 can go yet or not.
       If not, we move to TT; if it can go, we move to F-Yard.

 d) Advisor
  Proposal: Jane Pickering, MIT Museum Director
  Overall good feeling.  ASO will meet with her.

 e) Large Outside Sign
  Good idea overall, but definetely want to get permission from MIT
  for this one.

  ED(JEM) Move up to $400 for an external sign for TMRC - MP
   a preview should be brought to the clubroom before hand

 f) Block Cards Budget
  Should spend money on a prototype to make sure it works,
  then order the whole thing.

  ED(WEO) Move up to $800 for System3 Block Cards - MPU

9) Move to Adjurn WEO(JEM) - MP 21:32 TMRCST

Tech Model Railroad Club of MIT
MIT Room N52-118
265 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139

+1 617 253-3269
Email: tmrc-web@mit.edu